Psychiatry Meets Big-Data

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Monday, February 29, 2016 - 5:00 PM

Microsoft R&D Auditorium - Shenkar 13, Herzliya 

Big-Data is Critical for Discovering the Causes of Mental Illness

Target audience 
Developers, Data architects, Hardware Software engineers, physicists, neuroscientists, clinicians.

I will start with some basic information about the work of a psychiatrist and how he diagnoses and treats patients. I will discuss the major problems facing modern psychiatry. I will review the neuroscience of psychiatry at the neural-computation level and then I will explain how big-data analysis and machine-learning becomes critical for discovering the causes of mental disorders. I will review the Brain-Tech and entrepreneurship in this field and propose an outlook with commercial start-up potential.

What you will learn 

• Basic concepts in psychiatry

• Some Neural-Computation neuroscientific applications to psychiatry 

• Relevance of Big-Data from sensors and from Brain-Imaging to mental isorders 

• Potential entrepreneurship in the field of psychiatric illness


Abraham Peled 

Psychiatrist – chair of department at Shaa’r-Menashe MHC Israel. Clinical Assistant Professor at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Founder of “NeuroAnalysis” Author of three books and various publications applying physics of complex-systems to psychiatric diagnosis.

Monday, February 29, 2016 - 5:00pm to 9:15pm