Sunday December 15, 2013
Assorted Links
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Data Platform in 15 Minutes
- Computer Searches Web to Analyze Images and Learn
- HBase Shell Cheat Sheet
- Demo: map-D Visualizes Big Data Fast with GPUs
- Scaling AncestryDNA using Hadoop and HBase
- High Speed Continuous & Reliable Data Ingest into Hadoop
- Book: Data Just Right: Introduction to Large-Scale Data & Analytics
- Caltech Machine Learning Video Library - Learning From Data
- Chef and Rubies
- 5 Reasons Why Big Data Will Crush Big Research
- Winning Formula to Being a Kaggle Data Scientist
- Hadoop + GPU: Boost performance of your big data project by 50x-200x?
- Hadoop 2 Changes
- Cluster Computing for $0.27/hr using Amazon EC2 and IPython Notebook
- Data Visualization Worth a Thousand Spreadsheets
- Hope for Small Firms in World of Big Data?